这些进步对于跟上不断增长的全球饮料罐消费至关重要, which is set to increase by 50 percent between 2020 和 2030 和 will likely increase the amount of used beverage cans (UBCs) by around three million metric tons each year in the same time period. Stronger global recycling systems can help ensure that additional volume of aluminum maintains a circular life cycle rather than be misdirected to l和fill—an important measure for not only keeping valuable materials in a closed loop 和 preserving natural resources, 同时也减少了与原材料生产相关的能源消耗和排放水平. This potential for a smaller carbon footprint for the beverage can would boost the format's existing sustainability attributes of infinite recyclability, 回收含量高,回收周转时间快.
"The carbon reduction potential of recycling cannot be underestimated; recycling has a huge role to play in the overall decarbonization of the aluminum industry, 因为回收目前排放零.每公吨二氧化碳当量为6公吨,而每公吨二氧化碳当量为16公吨.每生产1吨原铝产生6吨二氧化碳当量。
根据废物管理和规管计划的评估, 收集基础设施, 回收及堆填率, 市场成交量, 哥伦比亚大学的贸易, 物料流动和未来目标, 该报告着重指出了各国目前的回收系统中错失的几个机会. 在一些地区, 这些措施包括弥合UBC收集和完全罐对罐回收之间的差距, as well as underst和ing why some cans are lost to l和fill even when the region maintains a more successful recycling system. 为他人, 挑战在于缺乏最初的回收接入点或, 在另一端, 缺乏废物交易和可追溯性的基础设施.
The report details these potential areas of improvement 和 offers strategies for advancing progress in each country. 利用这一评估,云顶集团糖果游戏和IAI将与当地的合作伙伴一起合作
"The superior recyclability of aluminum beverage cans continues to inspire us to raise awareness 和 build infrastructure for a stronger recovery rate across the globe,”桑德琳·迪克罗说, 导演, 可持续性 & 皇冠对外事务. “通过进行这项新研究
作为接下来的一步, 云顶集团糖果游戏 will present the report findings at Asia CanTech 2023 to initiate discussions on recycling system strategies with supply chain partners 和 to action the levers identified in the study. 皇冠还将继续专注于这些努力,作为其更大的战略战略的一部分 二十by30该计划旨在到2030年或之前实现20个可衡量的目标.
欲了解更多有关皇冠的全球回收计划及 二十by30™可持续发展计划,访问 fc-daudenzell.com/sustainability.
编辑咨询:Emily Hogan, 高级客户经理, FINN Partners; Tel: (630) 248-5232; 电子邮件: 艾米丽.hogan@finnpartners.com.
除了历史信息, all other information in this press release consists of forward-looking statements within the meaning of federal securities law. 这些前瞻性陈述涉及若干风险, uncertainties 和 other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause the statements made in this release or the actual results of operations or financial condition of the Company to differ are discussed under the caption "Forward Looking Statements" in the Company's Form 10-K Annual Report for the year ended